10 Things + GameStop Won't Stop
5 Stocks to Buy Now, Rich People Habits, High demand jobs, Advice from Mark Cuban, and RAZY stats on money

Let’s go back to January 2021: a scrappy band of internet renegades on Reddit, led by a guy named RoaringKitty, decides to take on the big bad hedge funds by buying up shares of GameStop, a struggling video game retailer. This sends the stock price soaring from basement bargain to penthouse suite, causing Wall Street big shots to lose their shirts and the internet to collectively lose its mind. It’s like David and Goliath – if David was a cat-loving day trader and Goliath was a bunch of hedge fund managers left scratching their heads and their wallets. Hilarity and chaos ensue, and memes, oh the memes!
FF to May 2024 and the cat is out of the bag (after 3 years of silence) tweeting this and sending GameStop shares soaring 74% (amongst other meme stocks). If you rushed to buy shares, my condolences as the shares are right back to where they were before it started.
TLDR: Meme stocks are fun if you own them before they take off – but can wipe out your portfolio if you are still holding them when everyone else gets out.
10 Things 👇️
Watch: RoaringKitty has returned 📺️
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PS – I can’t wait to get my hands on the new rewards card from Robinhood. It pays 3% cash back in rewards that I’ll be using to buy more shares of my favorite stocks. Use this link to get on the waitlist.
“Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.”